
This site provides PDFs, EPUBs, and a web version of WorldEnd2 (Suka Moka) that are designed to match the format of the official Yen Press releases of WorldEnd (Suka Suka). We try to make both the names and the text layout consistent with the official releases. The web version uses Yen Press names, but the formatting won’t match the official print or e-book volumes.

You can read online or download the files on the Releases page.

For details on the differences between EPUBs and PDFs and the difference between our website and our Google Docs Translation Index, visit the Info page.

These PDFs and EPUBs are generated automatically. If you want to contribute to the formatting or revise the text, feel free to contribute to our GitHub repository. You can also contribute to the GitHub repository for this website.

Changes from Orlandri Translation

  • Use Yen Press names
  • Insert and chapter images are in English
  • Minor edits to the text
  • Follow the Yen Press format as closely as possible, including:
    • Indented paragraphs
    • Table of Contents (TOC)
    • PDF font matches that of physical volumes
    • Spacing matches Yen Press or differs by no more than 2 millimeters
    • No space after ellipses (…)
    • No space around em dashes (—)
    • Capitalization for stutters matches Yen Press (e.g., Wi-widow)
    • Contractions use closing apostrophes (e.g., move on ’em)



NOTE: The actual PDF pages are singular; I just displayed them side-by-side.

Double Page

First Page of Chapter

Table of Contents

Title Page

Insert Image

Including Gutter

Double Page With Gutter


Beginning of Chapter Part

Ornament Table of Contents


Beginning of Chapter Table of Contents

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